Friday, May 29, 2009

Made it to Friday

Now, just 8 plus hours to go before it will be the weekend. Even though it was a short week, it went on forever. Did not think it would ever end. But finally today is Friday.

Cody's Great Aunt Frances passed away last weekend, she was his sperm donors aunt. I was not sure exactly how old she was, but he told me yesterday she was 97 years old. She was a retired school teacher many years ago. Cody went to the funeral with his father and his half-brother Garrett. SD's wife Judy was already down in Wachula before Frances passed helping Gem (SD's mother)take care of her and things. On the way back they all rode together to Cody's. So, his SD finally has seen where Cody has been living since January. Cody said Garrett is taller than him now. I think I figured it out yesterday that G is 14 years old. The Lunn men in the family are all over 6 ft tall except SD, he take after his moms since of the family, so he is concidered short at 5' 7". Laurel was home when they came back, so she was able to meet him. Cody already pre-warned her about him. So she was not fooled by him. Poor girl!She moved in on Friday as her school semester is over. She stays in the dorms and they shut them down. Instead of coming back to Tampa she is going to stay there with Cody for a couple months until school starts back up again.

So, tonight is the last Tonight SHow with Jay Leno. Thought I set it up to tape all this week, just to find out I forgot to do it. I will watch tonights show though. Should be interesting with Conan taking over and Jay going earlier.

Hope you all have a wonderful day. Need to get busy.

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