Sunday, January 20, 2008

Lets get caught up

How about spelling correctly when typing fast? Shirt is short, but you figured that out! I logged into my emails and had over 300 of them. Man was I behind, but now all caught up on reading. Not caught up on the blogs.

Linda summed up Sarasota...great place and great times. I too just love Stacy and Michelle (missed her) and especially Stacy's father. He is the kind of father / grandfather anyone would love to have. And his wood carvings, words can not tell how wonderful they are. They are just amazing, and they are as he says "just a hobby". He brought a few back for Elle to see since she was a virgin to Sarasota. We had a big group, which was very fun. I love meeting new scrappers. And I am addicted to the chicken and broccoli ring that Linda made. We all know (those that have been to Hilltop crops) that Linda makes some yummy things, this one was mouth watering good. My mouth is watering right now just thinking about it. She can make that again and often I will not argue, and trust me to those that did not get to try it - you would not either. We always joke about having bail money ready at our gathers, well this time was a close call. We were all fine about the DUI stop point right after Applebees. GA looked tired her contacts bothering her so we were worried...what gets her? A OLD and I do not mean just by months but 2 year old insurance card. Note to self, check to make sure you have your current registration card in the car. I do have a current insurance card and my drivers card - so last thing to check would be my registration.

Cody and I went to the movies today, we watched the movie Cloverfield. Now, let me explain something first. Cody and I love to go to the movies, not just for the movie itself - but the whole round movie. The effects and filming of the movie is something that we look at as well. There are alot of people that went to see this movie, and alot that did not like it....Cody and I loved it. Now going into it knowing the whole thing is filmed as a view point of a person filming so "people would know what happened". Some parts were hard to watch, especially running, but knowing how it was going to be viewed would brace you for it. After the movie I finally used my gift card to The Cheesecake factory thanks to my friend Alexis. That was the first time Cody and I have been, and we were very happy to have gone! There was so many choices, so we decided on the appetizers sampler. WOW that was so good, it comes out on 4 plates. We decided to just eat one plate at a time and eat the same thing at the same time, instead of just digging in. The first bite was just a wow in your mouth, right down to the last! Not one item on the sampler was bad, each one was better than the last! In my opinion we did end with the wrong item! We should not have saved the calamari for last. Now It was still really good, but by the time we ate it - it was not warm anymore. We took our time eating so we could try all of it. We shared the DUTCH APPLE CARAMEL STREUSEL cheesecake it is described as: Our Original Cheesecake, Baked Apples, Caramel and Brown Sugar Cinnamon Walnut Streusel. It came right as I was heading to the bathroom, I came back expecting to have only a bite left...he waited for me! I was really shocked at that one. He also ordered a CARAMEL ROYALE MACCHIATO which is Double Espresso, Hot Caramel, Vanilla and Steamed Milk. I am not really a coffee person that much, but I did try it and OH MY it was so good. He did let me have 3 sips but then that was pushing it! It seems that is what he gets from Starbucks? Since I have never had coffee from Starbucks I did not know. Yes, you read it correctly I have never had coffee from Starbucks. I have had a smoothie and a tea from them, but never coffee. Guess I might start. Told Cody he could treat me to one from his gift card he got from Cheryl at Christmas, oh no it is gone! Only gift card already used up!

other than that, today was a bust! When we came home I took a little nap, 4 hours later I got up! Only planned on a hour or two max, that did not happen out to well! Lucky for me tomorrow is a holiday so I am off. Get is a company paid holiday and the customer service and sales department have to work. If they are normally scheduled to work a Monday they have to work! Now they do still get paid holiday pay, and since they have to work they will get overtime pay too. That part I do miss alot! But I kind of like not having to work tomorrow. Well, I wrote alot. Need to go for now. Enjoy the rest of your Sunday evening!


:Jayne said...

Sounds like you had fun in Sarasota! I would have bailed you out!
We had fun at our crop too, made lots of new friends. Actually got 3 books done and a fourth started. I finished the family book except for the pictures.
Missed you tho, talked to my brother today too, he asked if you were there! LOL!

Kip said...

I was waiting to hear how you liked that movie!!

Jennifer said...

1. Glad you had fun! :)
2. Really, I love Starbucks but its completely a rip off - $4 for a Frappucino!
3. When you say sampler and get that much cheesecake, please tell me they were bite sized!?!? That's a whole lotta cheesecake! LOL
4. Cloverfield will make me vomit, lol. I wanna see it but with me having Vertigo -- uh hm, the previews make me wanna hurl. But REALLY do wanna see it!
5. Glad you and Cody got some time together. Man, I miss him (and you)
6. I LOVE ya!