Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Best Birthday ever

My birthday celebration started on Saturday, wonderful time! Then Shared with Kips celebration on Monday, then today the real day - was so great! I walk into work and my desk is all decorated! It had balloons, flowers, and a "over the hill" banner. One of the collectors unplugged my mouse, so I had a hard time starting work when I was ready to start. The collectors love giving me a hard time, cause as much as they dish out - I throw it right back to them! I was taken out to lunch, was originally going to go to Cheddars - ended up at Mellow Mushroom. Alexis made me a Chocolate Banana cheesecake! It was so good, but it was very much every bit of chocolate - so it did not like me back! My friend Joan stopped by to give me a card and a shirt. Alexis got me my stapler I wanted (yes the one I got you Cheryl) I have been wanting it for over a year since I had seen Tammy's. After work I went to the movies to see Nanny Dairies. It was OK, but not as good as I had expected. It is a wait for DVD movie for sure! A couple cute parts, but what saved it was hottie Chris Evens from Fantastic 4.
Speaking of movies....yes Halloween rocked! Rob Zombie did a really great job! The young Michael Myers - wow! That kid did a outstanding job! I can not wait to see it again!

Well, Cody is coming and will need the computer so I better close for now. And my wonderful is almost coming to an end. Thanks again for the wonderful days, the birthday posts, blogs, wishes, emails, and calls. Oh yeah how can I forget - even a call from Kip, Linda, and Mary while they were at the Atlanta airport! How cool was that? The bestest!!!!!!


owensmith said...

charterMichele, It sounds like you have had several great birthday'ssss!!
Does that mean you are that many does that mean you are that many
years older? LOL!! Have a great day!
Take care and love ya'll.


Anonymous said...

Glad your birthday was awesome!! How does it feel to be 30? Oh...didn't mean to say that...but really it's not that old!


:Jayne said...

I'm glad you had the happiest of days.
You have to pardon my sister, she just wants everyone to be as old as she is.


Cheryl said...

Glad you had a great day. My group went out to lunch for all the birthdays of the last 6 months so we celebrated for you too!!

Glad you got the stapler. Can't wait to hear what you got at RR.

Love ya!!

Jennifer said...

and you got the best Birthday Song on your phone :)

I'm glad you had a great birthday, you deserved it! Albany has one of those Mellow Mushrooms. Josh won't go b/c the name 'mushroom', he can't stand mushrooms and just the name makes him sick.

Love u