Saturday, December 15, 2007

Tonight's the night we make history

OK, did you think of Styx when you read that? I have the darn song stuck in my head now! I will just have to get some music on in my room in a bit to get it out of my head.

Anyways....tonight is the first of many more to come (I hope) Stocking Exchange. It has been so much fun shopping and attempting to shop for my person. Now, just hopefully I did her justice. I know I like all that I bought, and I think she will too. Well atleast she better (wink wink). As with the song stuck in my head, I already have visons of her face opening the items and what she will saw after a couple of them. The suspence is now probablly sinking in for her. Especially, cause I know she reads my blog (thats not giving away who it is). Now I do have a couple more things to wrap, one item still has not arrived yet (hope it does today), and gotta find one of the first things I bought that I just remembered in the car on the way to Publix this morning. Yep, we will have my desert contrubition. I will go ahead and reveal that it is called "Pistachio Cake". It is really good, I love it and I think you will too.At Publix this morning most all of the ingredients were buy one get one free. So, I have the makings for another one. That one will be for Cody and Mom.

Speaking of Mom and mom has been bugging me about getting her a coffee maker like Linda's. When she read that Kip got one too, she really kept bugging me. Well, she let up but I knew she still wanted one. Last night while looking for one special item for Jennifer I walked in - and there it was in all it's glory. It is not the big one like Linda's, it is her baby sister version. Luckily it comes with a sample pack of 18 little canisters. Yes, they had coffee last night. Cody primed it and read the book and off they were to their coffee. I do coffee sometimes, but not so that my mom could make a pot of it in the morning. And I do not care for plain jane coffees - I do like Linda's and Starbucks only. Now her and Cody are set, and I will actually have to drink some too. They were already looking at all the flavors and possibilites. They are on cloud 9! Since it is actually a combined gift the price makes it better.

Well, need to read a few blogs and get busy, The night will be here before I know it. Hope everyone has a wonderful day. Can not wait to post about tonight!

1 comment:

:Jayne said...

I've put in a request to Santa for one of those coffee makers too! I think I am going to keep mine at work tho. That's where I drink the most. On the weekend here at the house it wouldn't be practical. Rick drinks gallons of coffee.
